Cartoon Effect Portrait Study

Watch the two clips on how to change a photograph portrait into a cartoon avatar. Once completed, you may use your avatar as a fun and clever way to express yourself.

How To Cut Anything Out In Photoshop

This clip is worth watching a few times- the narrator is a fast talker.

To increase your technical skill, you will practice using the Pen Tool. The next video below is very clear on how to use the Pen Tool, so be sure to watch it and practice with the guitar image in Photoshop. Handin as a .jpg 300 dpi image.

How To Cut Anything Out In Photoshop by Spoon Graphics

To really understand the Pen Tool, watch this short video:

How To Use The Pen Tool in Photoshop by Peachpit TV

Use the guitar image to practice using the pen tool.

Spanish Guitar

How To Submit Your Work


SAVE ALL YOUR WORK IN YOUR STUDENT FOLDER, NOT ON THE DESKTOP. The desktop gets regularly wiped out, so consider yourselves WARNED!

How to submit your finished work:

  • Save your files as two types
    1. .psd file as lastname_firstname_assignment.psd
    2. .jpg file as lastname_firstname_assignment.jpg
  • For example, nelson_michelle_collage.psd and nelson_michelle_collage.jpg
  • Submit your .psd file to: SDrive>Handin>Nelson_Graphics>”assignment type”
  • Upload your .jpg file to your blog and post it.

How To Put Image In Text

Using Photoshop, put an image in text. Watch “Tutorials Junction” video by Dhuvral for step-by-step process.

Your final product should have FORM and CONTENT. See example:

Upload your image as a .jpg file and post it on your blog.

Pacquiao BOX

Image In Text: Ms. Nelson